Archive for the ‘Great Dating Tips For Women’ Category

More Dating Advice For Women

August 23, 2007

 More Dating Advice For Women

Do you want to appear picky?  If you are , then don’t do this on the first date.  Your date may think that it is going to be hard to please you.

Do not discuss your alcoholic mom or your ex cheating partner. Don’t go there.  Leave these emotions at the front door. No one wants to hear that stuff. Not yet anyway.  Eventually do tell.
Make sure you at least look like you have a strong interest in what your date has to say.  Pay attention. If that strong attraction is there when you first met, then paying attention to your date will not be alot of work. Also don’t talk too much about yourself. Listen more to what your date has to say.  I really hope your date talks.  I can’t stand a quiet date.Be up to date on current events. Who wants to date an air head? Enjoy and try to stick it out to the very end if the date is not going the way you expected.  Date when you can. Eventually you will find that click.

Great Dating Tips For Women

August 23, 2007


 Great Dating Tips For Women

Do I have any good jokes?  Is this dress right?  Oh god, my shoes look old. Am I the right type?  Just relax and be yourself. Consider these great dating tips for women. Be a good sport and do not get nervous.  It is real easy just being yourself.  Don’t try to be anyone else. You won’t be able to keep up with this charade.  Go ahead and say, I am going to have a good time whether its a match or not. Then do just that.  Make sure when planning the date, it is a date that you both will be happy with.  Don’t go to the movies if you really don’t want to go.  Make sure you like what you are doing.

If you are not ready to entertain or amuse your dating partner, then suggest a activity that will keep you both busy.  This is a great way to break that ice.  How about a sports event or well,  I am quite sure you can think of something.

Take it easy, mingle and just go with the flo.  You will be ok on that first date.  Will have more great tips for women.